Sunday, August 19, 2007

The incestuous dilemma

Topic of the day: incest. yes doing it with your sibling and the immorality of it all :-@. so far so good, but i can't help but ask my aesthetics dominated self as to why? being faced with the dilemma so may times we can't even remember..., and it transcends culture and time, it's just one of those big taboos that everyone is aware of but afraid to talk about. now, why in God's name are we so eager to accept same-sex relations and contacts but heavens forbid they should be of the same family; and when it all comes down to pure aesthetics -aka looks - why should blood matter? i'm sure most of u are lifting more than just an eybrow to the topic but so what? frankly, i must say i've no brothers or sisters so i wouldn't know exactly how smth like this siblings relationship should be like, but if u consider the pure instinctual side of things and the fact that we as humans are probably the more abject and immoral and sexual of all "conscious" beings on the planet i can hardly comprehend this fear of love between brothers or sisters or both. obviously i disregard the idea of children in this case due to genetical considerations but other than that the central idea is general: pleasure - and it doesn't really matter where u get it from, or from whom or from what for that matter.
And let's picture smth else which stemed froma delightful and sparkling conv: two drop-dead gorgeous guys, twins, addicted to one another like morphine and of course the sexual tension between them. let's face it who in their right mind would turn down such an experience for the sake of and relations. no no no it's just our sick twisted minds ... nothing wrong there, just like gazing at a beatiful roser in the park, cutting it savagely and getting pricked by its thorns, while with bleeding fingers u start tearing away every petal with a lust beyond urself. ok...getting overly poetic here, but still as a metaphor it works, and altough some of u are probably cursin' my ass, callin me a blasphemous bitch i still say give up on ur caged minds u sick puritanical frustrated fucks ;))) a great guy once so elegantly put it: "who are u to judge something u've never experienced?"

Friday, August 17, 2007

Nu pot sa scriu ptr mine ptr k scriu ptr voi

Cine pana mea a inventat blogul...? cine a renuntat la foi? d c am renuntat eu la foi? d c le mai tine p alea p kre mi le-ai dat...? d c e o foaie a mea si blogul al tuturor? d c sa incerc sa nu fiu eu? ma macina un gand d la o vreme....d c mi-am facut blog? ptr k ..c? k si-au facut toti, k e cool, trendy si hip, ok fine am zis, FINE (and u know what that stands for; freaked-out, insecure; neurotic and emotional ;)) ) dar nu ma multumeste p mine un blog, nu ma multumeshte sa scriu aici, aici unde sunteti toti, unde eu nu sunt eu, ceea c numesc eu eshti tu, si totudeaunea, ptr totdeauna o sa tanjim unul dupa altul....toti unul dupa altu, dupa cine ce cum cu cine cand si care cine.
Nush d c am o senzatie d sfarsit d blog, u never know, da poate poate revin la foi sau poate poate raman tot aici cu gloata. c spirit d o sa uit niciodata conceptul d turma si cat d electrizant, extaziant si teribil d macinator poate fi. turma e autodistrugere, in special o turma unita, o turma c a devenit rai d murfatlar, o turma a dumne-zeilor si zeitelor p pamant, o turma si o gloata d "bolnavi", disfunctionali, cu relatii stravezii si ambigue, d combinari d 2, 3 , 4 luate cate vor ei si d vicii ambivalente. shtiu k nu prea imi pasa d c cred cei din jur despre noi d tot ceea c se incadreaza in norme si tipare d ceea c e corect normal si moral...mai ales moral. provin dintr-o "rasa" d amorali, dar ma inceark o frica d amoralitatea noastra, d a ne pierde p noi in procesul d construire a turmei. cine sunt indivizii d aici, d c raman uniti k nishte ciori p o barna duse la inecat doar ptr una nu poate zbura? literalmente sunt surprinsa d faptul k degradarea e mai placuta cand e publica si nu pot sa nu intreb d c? d c ai un fior inexplicabil cand shtiu toti, ptr k mai apoi totul sa se piarda in platitudine si cotidian, d c sa spui tot c gandeshti cand poti sa lasi sa se intrevada, sa fii ambiguul in persoana, sa nu dezvalui si sa t lasi dezvaluit, foaie cu foaie, atunci cand e necesar, cand eshti lucid intr-o noapte cu stele, cand stai atarnat la un geam si o adiere d incremenire bate din orice directie...cum poti sa ai ambitia sa t crezi profund and nu t chinui sa pricepi nimik si ai teribila satisfactie k shtii p cineva cand de fapt iti este imposibil ptr k nu te-ai straduit indeajuns desi totul a fost intr-un caiet, intr-o carte, intr-o conversatie, p o banca, intr-o seara cu o adiere d incremenire. iti poti imagina cat d previzil poti fi atunci, cat d ushor d citit dupa aceea, si cat d disperat d pironit d o imagine prolifica a ta c se va narui la prima secunda d singuratate si strangere d inima ptr ceea c pierzi. poate e greu d "talmacit' ceea c scriu, dar nu reflecta decat ceea c sunt(em) si conshtiinta ulterioara ca suntem atat d vizi k persoane ptr noi si atat d interesanti ptr restul unei planete d anonimi.
nu nu e ultimul post....mai sunt o gramada d spus, dar e vorba d o revizuire d perspectiva ptr k nimeni nu pleaca nicaieri, vietile nu se rup si nu impletesc peste noapte, singuratatea e inabushitoare si insuportabila iar oamenii p cat d noi si interesanti p atat d plictisitori si monotoni, ptr k dureaza o noua eternitate sa ii cunoshti.