Wednesday, July 28, 2010

drunken daze of a sunburnt beat

some things in life need to be documented, for various reasons, such as: further reference or "let's not screw it up the way we did last time", fond memories or "how you promise yourself you'll never sleep in a car again" and personal notes to self or "fuck! i drank again to the point where i can't remember my own name". one such eventful and amusing experience was our weekend trip to the seaside. seemingly, we planned it down to a tee, 2 weeks in advance, but since this sort of thing never really works out, we went with the flow...and what a flow it was! mood swings from ecstasy to agony every hour, on the hour, from filthy rich to flat broke and then some, from dancing next to the trunk of the car to a literal crowd as far as the eye could see, but one thing we never missed and abundant and great it so much music, you could satisfy entire worlds for a few days, car music, beach music, after music, liberty music, kudos music, water music, optick music, sleeping music, house music... elevator music??? maybe, dunno - must have been there somewhere.
needless to say we had our share of troubles and mishaps, our string of misfortunes, but everything just slips by when you can complain about to each other about how a iron fence fell flat on your alcohol-enhanced head or how you could never find an ATM when you badly need one. frankly i miss lying on the beach and bathing in live music, i miss being so drunk i crave to eat a box of skittles, i miss getting upset and angry for a full 2 seconds... btw, were you ever going to change that t-shirt? u'r wearing it in 90% of the pictures :))